HFiS CMOS low light Night Vision Sensors and new X27+ Ultra low light HD and UHD
High Resolution, high sensitivity low power color night vision Imaging systems
The HFiS sensor module is the first operational CMOS camera that exceeds night vision performance criteria.
The radical new design of the HFiS CMOS ultra sensitive low light Night Vision modules is a breakthrough in image processing allowing for brighter images and increased contrast in the most demanding lighting conditions including no moon starlight nights.
The ability to literally see in the dark, and to do it better than Gen III image intensified systems, is revolutionary and truly Game Changing! The X26 / X27+ ultra sensitive low light night vision sensor is an all digital system so it can take advantage of the modern connected world. Analog night vision systems are a dead end technology that has long plagued the military. With tube based NVG systems the information starts and stops at the user creating an island of informational solitude. In other words the standard issue NVG systems puts our soldiers in a bubble. There will be a place for I2 night vision devices, SPI’s digital HD ultra low light color imaging systems make a great compliment to NVGs and Thermal imaging devices. SPI currently has a few image blending techniques that fuse its Exceptional HD sensors with other military night vision systems for increased ISR and DRI resulting in advanced soldier / squad lethality.
SPI has developed the new X27+ which is the worlds
highest performing tubeless digital solid state, high fidelity, low power, small form
factor HD and UHD resolution TRUE COLOR DAY NIGHT VISION IMAGING system,
The unit with its BSTFA (Broad Spectrum Thin Film Array) and MDIS (Multilayer Digi-scan Image Sequencing) offers exceptional
imaging in ultra low light conditions with Wide, medium and long range field of views that’s useful for a plethora of applications such as navigation, soldier lethality, ISR Observation, surveillance, reconnaissance, Intelligence, weapon sighting
and target acquisition. The full true color system offer 60 hz true real time imagery that’s ultra sensitive and is on par with current
gen III military night vision I2 performance, no other imager can claim or offer this capability.
Other competing cameras may work good in full moon conditions and or at delayed sluggish frame rates,
the X27+ offers true real-time color LLL capability with the highest luminance and gain/sensitivity down to
starlight night levels. The ultra low light sensor is currently being implemented into multiple
platforms to satisfy mission requirements,
Below are some videos illustrating the systems capabilities at night.
manned and unmanned platforms for navigational Aid in Ultra low light enviornments
X27+ Color low light imager filmed at night In the Utah Desert (Snow Canyon State Park / St George Utah)
X27+ Color low light imager night video with RGB Colored lasers test
X27+ Color low light imager bright DAYTIME footage with direct sun exposure and instant recovery