Elanus multi spectral thermal imaging sensor fused binocular system

Multi Spectral Observation System Cooled MWIR Thermal

Sierra Pacificborder patrol, MWIR, CMOS Night Vision, MWIR cameras, Cooled Thermal Camera, color night vision, long range multi spectral observation / surveillance binocular system, cooled medium wave thermal infrared imaging 3-5 Um, long range LLL color night vision day channel, DMC Digital Magnetic compass, GPS, IR Laser Pointer/illuminator/designator, hand held thermal imager, Multi Spectral Observation System

The ELANUS Multi Spectral Observation System Cooled MWIR Thermal Breaks New Ground In COTS Lightweight Handheld Multispectral Observation Binoculars.

The ELANUS Multi Spectral Observation System Cooled MWIR is a NEW commercial off the shelf handheld binocular system that expands the brings increased capabilities to todays war fighters. ELANUS Multi Spectral Observation System Cooled MWIR ThermalThe ELANUS combines the latest in imaging sensors and SWaP design practices to create a mature “COTS” solution that exceeds the performance standards of past and currently fielded handheld multispectral devices. ELANUS uses the most advanced technologies to provide a lightweight handheld multispectral binocular observation system that has unprecedented day and night capabilities.
The heart of the Multi Spectral Observation System Cooled MWIR Thermal is an advanced next generation MWIR (Medium Wave InfraRed) cooled thermal sensor operating in the 3-5 micron wavelength. The new cooled MWIR sensor pushes the envelope in terms of sensitivity and target discrimination. The ultra sensitive nature of this new cooled MWIR thermal array allows for compact optics and helps to reduce overall system weight while at the same time increasing performance over current cooled MWIR thermal systems. To enhance the multi spectral observation system cooled MWIR thermal, a color day channel with LLL (low light level) technology is co-aligned in the ELANUS binocular. The color day channel utilizes current breakthroughs in CMOS imaging technology to provide crisp daytime imaging and Low Light Level performance beyond current systems. The development of low light color CMOS sensors (such as the X27 OSPREY at https://x20.org/color-night-vision/ ) make color night vision a reality. The ELANUS incorporates pieces of this new CMOS imaging world to enhance the Day Night imaging capability of the multi spectral observation system cooled MWIR thermal.

ELANUS is currently using the most advanced technologies in the lightweight handheld multispectral capability to provide day and night imaging performance.PROGRAM MANAGER

CMOS Day Night LLL channel multi spectral observation system cooled MWIR thermal handheld binocular
The ELANUS is more than just a multi spectral observation system cooled MWIR thermal. It is a complete binocular observation device that extends a soldiers current handheld capabilities.
To enhance range and target discrimination in challenging environments internal algorithms produce digital zoom levels with unprecedented clarity. The image stabilization routine is built on years of experience and is an absolutely rock steady capability.
The latest generation of Color Night Vision CMOS sensors (by SPI CORP) have shown the way to providing visualization of laser pointers and designators in lightweight handheld systems. This removes the need for costly night imaging technologies that consume power and weight. To maximize the capability of the multi spectral observation system cooled MWIR thermal an eye-safe rangefinder, digital magnetic compass, and embedded GPS give the user mission critical data points. A laser pointer capability lets the user interface with friendly troops in the real world to point out threats and call in support in real time. Finally, the handheld multispectral observation binoculars can capture images and video for storage as well as streaming to bring forward and rear forces into the same loop, increasing the accuracy of command decisions. Real time battlefield awareness is made possible by the lightweight multi spectral observation system cooled MWIR thermal handheld binocular system called ELANUS.

For more information visit the ELANUS Multi Spectral Observation System website or CONTACT SPI Corp.
