Night Vision Pan Tilt with Low Light CMOS FPA

Sierra PacificUncategorized, Low Light CMOS Sensors, CMOS Night Vision

M7 PTZ with Low Light CMOS Night Vision FPA Technology.


CMOS low light night vision sensor

Our research and development into digital imaging solutions for low light / no light scenarios has yeilded the worlds first true digital camera that exceeds the performance of image intensified tube night vision technology.  Our breakthrough design pushes Low Light CMOS FPA imaging far beyond any other system available.  We have shattered both low light performance and wavelength response of silicone to produce an imaging platform that produces HD 60hz video at 10 times the efficiency of any other digital imaging sensor.

Our creation of the HFiS X26 Low Light CMOS imaging modules has created a world of new applications for night vision imaging. Old tube systems are analog based and can only show an image to the person directly behind the eyepiece. With the X26 HFiS FPA module we can now create fully integrated imaging platforms that provide starlight level imaging with facial recognition and object identification.  We have many products on the way including rifle scopes, pocket scopes, UAV payloads and custom configurations while OEM modules are available now. The most exciting product right now is the inclusion of HFiS X26 CMOS Night Vision into our venerable M7 multi sensor Pan Tilt PTZ remote imaging platform.

The M7 PTZ flir (LINK HERE) will now be available with HD daytime and HD Digital Night Vision as well as HD thermal FPA technology.  This will be the first true High Definition multi sensor remote imaging platform of its kind. Boasting detection ranges beyond 5 miles in any weather and any lighting condition. The M7 with HFiS X26 night vision FPA will revolutionize the world of remote imaging.

Orders are being accepted now on the M7 nigh vision platform.  Contact Mike to discuss options and get your order in line.  This will be the hottest PTZ remote imaging product of the last decade so order early.

Mike 702-499-9551

HFIS X26 Imaging Sensor Technology