It is inconceivable to think what type of threats lie ahead with the proliferation of small unmanned aerial vehicles aka drones, these small autonomous / remote control devices can be used for many benefits in every day life although criminals and rogue entities seek to adversely utilize these unmanned aerial vehicles for nefarious acts.
The course of the past decade has seen a dramatic surge in the popularity, accessibility and number of people acquiring small UAVs for either commercial or recreational use. Soon, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) expects the number of UAVs flying in the US to be as many as 50,000. This figure is concerning given the recent number of incidents involving UAVs flying in the vicinity of or landing on critical infrastructures all over the world – the White House, the Prime Minister of Japan’s office, the Golden Gate Bridge, nuclear sites in France, prison facilities as a means for getting contraband in – to name just a few. Traditional security measures such as acoustic sensors or radars fail in detecting the low speed and low electromagnetic signature of small UAVs, making unconventional and more modern technologies such as infrared thermal technology the best option available in being able to detect these news threats from harming people or destroying critical infrastructures.

Long range Lrf laser range finder-SPI
Areas of concern are critical high-value properties, prisons and correctional institutions, military and governmental agencies, and a plethora of crowded landmark consumer related spaces.
UAVs’ small size and low electromagnetic signature go unregistered by more traditional detection measures, such as radars
Accessibility and low costs currently allow any persons who wish to obtain a UAV the opportunity to fly one
Paraplanes, commonly used to smuggle drugs over the US Southern border are hard to spot and can carry hundreds of pounds of payload
Traditional detection measures are also more susceptible to weather conditions
With Spi’s infrared thermal flir imaging drone detection technology, it is impossible for a UAV to be stealthy: any object hot or cold will be seen by the thermal imager whether it’s day or night. Working in tandem with P9959DDS advanced intrusion detection software, automatic detection and tracking of an unlimited number of targets (either airborne, terrestrial or maritime threats) helps ensure that no event is missed over a long-range, wide area surrounding. Basic classification of targets (ground or airborne) is based on elevation calibration and all air targets are represented by a small plane icon. Thermal imaging allows for day and night surveillance, but also guarantees the ability to view any object, even deemed as stealth, whether it is hot or cold.
360 Degree Panoramic detection, alarming, alerting visualization Field of View
The Spi ultra sensitive HD 1080p 360-degree panoramic field of view (FOV) and continuous IR monitoring capabilities ensure that nothing escapes notice, day or night. The HD thermal imaging Uav detecting cameras capture infrared flir imagery in all directions simultaneously thanks to its 360-degree horizontal FOV-unlike traditional cameras with limited horizontal FOVs – eliminating the “looking through a soda straw effect”.
Automatic Intrusion Detection and Tracking
Automatic intrusion detection and tracking allows the user to quickly navigate the entire 360-degree panoramic thermal flir image to zoom in on areas on interest.

Example of M9 Long Range MWIR Cooled Ptz Thermal FLIR camera system with long range cctv Visable camera and additional Sensor Payloads, CLICK FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Passive Signal
all SPI Uav Uas drone detection systems are passive, unlike radars which emit electromagnetic waves.
Adaptive and Flexible Plug-and-Play Operation
Spi Uav drone Uav Uas detectors are generally lightweight solutions. The cameras can be transported easily and can be quickly set up to work with a single laptop. Solar and alternate power supply systems can be integrated to allow remote, disconnected operation.
Anti Drone Detection System Combats The Eye In The Sky
Why does the world need an Anti Drone defense system? Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) systems have been utilized by military forces for years. These drone systems play a vital role in the security of our country and have meaningful civilian applications as well. The last few years have seen a dramatic explosion in the availability of low cost drone and UAV platforms. The new “cheap” aircraft contain an impressive array of features that previously were only available to the Air Force. Today, thanks to companies like DJI and the Phantom Drone, virtually everyone has access to reliable flying spy cameras. While this may be good for the burgeoning UAV industry, it poses serious security issues for a wide range of industrial, military and civilian locations. A low cost UAV or drone could easily be used for everything from a peeping Tom to pre-attack target surveillance to actually delivering terror from the sky. The threat is very real and now the solution is real too, an Anti Drone System.
The M7 anti-drone UAV defense system is vital to spotting and removing threats from incoming UAV Drone attacks before its too late. Be proactive and investigate what the M7 multi sensor UAV defense system can do for you and your people. THE ENEMY IS WATCHING, FIGHT BACK!
Is Radar Interdiction The Answer To Anti-UAV Drone Defense?
Yes and NO. Radar is certainly a very mature technology for detecting traditional incoming airborne threats. Flying robots are NOT traditional threats. These small drones are very difficult for radar to accurately and reliably detect. It is due to the combination of very small radar cross section and the erratic flight paths of these UAV DRONES that make trustworthy detection almost impossible. High false detection rates are the enemy of security. As the saying goes, one false alarm is concerning but 100 false alarms are ignored.
The M7 anti drone detection system can help bring confidence back to your radar interdiction efforts. The incredible zoom power and fidelity of the M7 multi sensor thermal drone detection system lets you see what you have been missing. Spot and track incoming threats with greater certainty than ever before. Every radar installation in the world needs an M7 multi sensor thermal imaging system to maximize its potential. Some places even ditch the radar all together to keep their eyes on the sky.
M7 Thermal Imager For Anti-Drone UAV Interdiction.
The M7 series of multi-sensor thermal imager pan tilt positioning systems are ideal for defense against small to large unmanned aerial vehicle threats. Stable platforms provide unparalleled zoom ranges to pinpoint micro aircraft long before they are close enough to do harm.
Easy to Use Interface
our Ptz panoramic Uav drone detectors have been designed to provide easy and effective surveillance imaging to operators of all levels. With minimal training, a user can access panoramic images, threat detection, and digital zoom windows. Automatic zone monitoring can be set up to pan to intrusions and track threats as they appear. Custom color pallets and display layouts can be set to maximize visibility and efficiency.
Rugged all weather wide/long range drone Uav Uas detection
spi drone detecting imaging system are airtight, coated and painted in a way to withstand very harsh temperatures and direct sunlight. Mechanically, all components are protected from the elements and minimal to no maintenance is required.
The M7 thermal imaging systems have a large variety of options and configurations to suit your unique environment and mission objectives. Designed to withstand harsh weather and continuous use, the M7 series is relied on to keep watching, 24 hours a day, for drone threats from the sky. While night time thermal imaging sky scanning for uav and drone threats is exciting, the electro optic channels in M7 systems are equally impressive.
Environmental and Scene Analytics
Our specialized software has been designed to learn and understand natural environmental disturbances to help eliminate unwanted false alarms. Surface clutter (ground or sea clutter), point clutter (smaller flying objects, such as birds) and weather conditions which can cause a high level of false negative alarms are analyzed and ignored by the intrusion detection system.
The M7 thermal imaging systems have a large variety of options and configurations to suit your unique environment and mission objectives. Designed to withstand harsh weather and continuous use, the M7 series is relied on to keep watching, 24 hours a day, for drone threats from the sky. While night time thermal imaging sky scanning for uav and drone threats is exciting, the electro optic channels in M7 systems are equally impressive.
Additional eoir optronic Capabilities
Data and recording can be replayed as simple videos or entirely customized and manipulated to reconstruct prior scenarios. Sensitivity and alarms data can be reset and new display setup can be utilized. Data can be compressed for large time table storage as well.
For more information on M7 thermal anti drone defense/denial cameras please review the following product links.
M7 Long Range Drone Detection Cameras
M360 FLIR Scanning Thermal Anti-Drone UAV Detection System
DEFENDER Series MWIR Cooled Thermal Anti-Drone Cameras
CONTACT [email protected] or call 702-499-9551 FOR MORE INFORMATION or to discuss your unique application.