Veterinary thermal imaging is especially helpful when trying to examine dangerous species in a non-invasive manner.
Veterinary thermal imaging is a totally non-invasive method of preventative care and diagnosis of illness or injury in animals. Often times it can detect problems weeks before the animal even exhibits symptoms. Since animals have an instinct to survive they tend to mask pain or discomfort to protect themselves from being seen as weak prey. This can be a challenge to veterinarians trying to discern how to treat heath issues in animals, especially a zoo environment where sedating dangerous species to examine them is commonplace, and anesthesia can often have unwanted side-effects.
Veterinary thermal imaging is especially helpful for diagnosing Equine health issues. Since horses are flight animals in nature, they are especially protective of themselves and will often conceal their injuries for weeks before you can even notice them. You’ll notice that “something’s off,” and often times its been off for a long while. Horses may have ligament, muscle and hoof damage that, if untreated, can be crippling and render the animal lame. But with infrared technology, you can detect the root causes before they turn into big issues.
Veterinary thermal imaging works by measuring heat radiation being emitted from the animal and produces an infrared image depicting hot and cold areas of the body in relation to what’s around it. The temperature differences can be interpreted to point to injuries or issues. For example, areas of extreme heat could signify rapid blood flow, swelling, infection or pain. Coldness could imply low blood flow, pointing to vascular problems.
These infrared imaging systems also come in handy when you are looking to purchase livestock. You can literally see if the animals have any signs of illness before you buy them. They also can assist in herd management and finding strays in darkness on the range.
SPI Veterinary Thermal Imaging Products
SPI Corp has several affordable options when it comes to infrared thermography. The RAZ-IR Pro and the RAZ-IR Nano infrared cameras are both small, handheld thermal imaging systems perfect for the job that provide detailed reporting and thermal analysis. The RAZ-IR Pro infrared camera line features high performance 60hz real time thermal imaging with 8GB of digital storage and voice annotation. Weighing in at only 10oz, its a versatile, ergonomic solution for veterinary thermography. The RAZ-IR Nano offers the same compact size, but can also measure high temperatures in an industrial environment up to 1200 degrees Celsius and comes with a touch screen interface and picture-in-picture fusion for comparison.
Contact us today with any questions about our veterinary thermal imaging products available for rental or purchase. Call (702) 369-3966 in the Las Vegas area, or toll free (800) 403-2983.